Brainstorming - Further Update
Updated: Apr 12, 2023
Dear Park Neighbors,
This is a further update about the brainstorming inputs for Board activity from our January 2023 general meeting. Thank you again to the participants for sharing ideas and for granting the Board time to consider those ideas more closely and determine where we are best able to focus our efforts moving forward.
As a reminder, in summary, the brainstorm results were centered on the following:
- Desire for social activities within The Park
- Political landscape: campaigns, communications, raising awareness of issues, etc.
- Public works: street safety, storm drains, sidewalks, noise, etc.
- Finding ways to support Park School
- Improving SMPNA engagement and donations
- Ways to preserve The Park’s architecture, charm, history
In reviewing and discussing the specific items, we categorized each as follows:
· Within scope to work on now
· Within scope if we have the right resource (volunteer) to lead the effort
· Outside scope and why
· Requiring further research to understand the issues and concerns
· Requiring neighborhood input on whether to pursue
Please see attached the brainstormed items and our assessment for each. We included rationale for our thinking and actions the Board plans to take as applicable. We encourage you to review this list carefully for issues that may be important to you.
So, what’s next from your SMPNA Board?
1. Summarize brainstorming session. Feb 2023 -- DONE 2. Identify themes; use themes for neighborhood survey. Review brainstormed items more closely for what is within Board scope, what is feasible, and where we need guidance from the neighborhood before embarking. April 2023 – DONE
Survey neighborhood – June 2023
3. Based on survey results, confirm focus areas and key initiatives; develop action plan. Jul/Aug/Sep 2023
· Specify goals and timelines
· Recruit volunteers for critical skill sets
· Identify budgetary impacts and fundraising needs
Thank you for taking the time to follow us on this effort! If you have issues you’d like the board to consider as we advance this effort, please feel free to discuss them with any Board member or send them to me at
Alicia Woodfall-Jones and the Board of Directors
San Mateo Park Neighborhood Association
Celebrating and Preserving the Park!